It's Spring! Let it grow!

When I’m trying to figure out how things work, I turn to nature… Think of a potted plant that just isn’t doing as well as you would like it to. It’s not flowering, and the leaves are looking a little droopy. Digging up and examining the root...

Just Let it Go … Easier Said than Done

I’ve been watching this once robust snowman on my street slowly dissolve as our temperatures climbed from -35C to +11C. Soon there will be nothing remaining of the once solid snowman. Your thought patterns can be dissolved in a similar way. Trying to knock them...

I KNOW I should, but I just can't seem to…

Ten minutes. That’s it. I know – you think that is my solution to everything…well, it pretty much is. Ten minutes of focused time, daily, on whatever you want to create in your world will bring about swift and permanent change. It doesn’t seem...

Who Am I – REALLY?

“What do you really want?” “I want to be just like you!” “Oh – you want to be just like you?” “No, I want to be just like YOU!” An excerpt from an actual conversation that happened several years ago with a...

Put On Your Catcher's Mitt

I don’t follow baseball – but awhile ago I was in Kansas City, Missouri, and wandered by the Kauffman Stadium. I found myself thinking back to all the games of pick up and scrub I played as a kid. At recess and after school I couldn’t wait to grab my...

Suze's Musings

Insights for your Inner Coach


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