Belief Specialist

Eliana Aloisio

Eliana turned to Belief-Repatterning to assist her in coping with her challenging and stressful life, and along the way of learning and turning her life’s beliefs into positive strategies she unearthed an astonishing treasure.  Buried within her was not only a strong desire to support others with the challenges of their life’s journey, but a passion to nurture, comfort and engage with the very youngest and most vulnerable of us – children from birth to age 7. 

Her uncanny skill of remembering what “it” was like during this most dependent stage of life, along with her teaching career, have encouraged and helped her develop a Belief-Repatterning Modular Program targeting 3 to 7 year old children in helping them to gain confidence, self awareness and some powerful tools to become resilient within their very big lives.  And, along the way, their adult caregivers will also garner very useful tools and coping strategies for their own purposes as well as using them to support their young ones.

This is all done in a very simple, easy and fun filled manner that will be sure to guarantee both the adult in attendance, as well as the child, a bouquet of strategies and understandings to help with overall anxiety, temper tantrums and insecurities.

Let’s take the stress of discipline out and bring in fun, enjoyment and loving bonding experiences during your precious shared time with your child/ren. 

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• Create what you deserve and desire
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