3 Programs to Deepen Your Skills

Take your next step in Belief Re-patterning

Learn It – LIVE IT! Transformational Seminars Inc. was established to bring training in Belief Re-patterning to you – whether your desire is to deepen your personal skill set, add Belief Re-patterning skills to your existing work life, or become a leader in the Belief Re-patterning community as a licensed Practitioner.

About the Programs

Learn It – Live It

The Learn It – LIVE IT! Programs all include on-line learning and support through bi-weekly seminars, individual Laser Coaching, monthly book sessions, and MasterMind Groups. All sessions are recorded and available in our Learning Centre for Program Participants.

Prerequisite – Flip YOUR Switch

Our Flip YOUR Switch course is the prerequisite for our Learn It – Live It program. Learn more about the Flip YOUR Switch session schedule, locations, and signup here:

Three Programs to Build Upon

Way of BE-ing

Embeds Re-patterning into your way of BE-ing, creating life-long habits in all areas, and building your solid personal foundation (6 or 12 months)

Positive Self-Talk Coach:

Extends your personal foundation into supporting others informally, and integrating the technique into other modalities (9 or 18 months)

Belief Specialist

Expands your personal foundation and informal support into a Belief Re-patterning business model, allowing you to earn while you learn and resulting in licensing as a Practitioner (12 or 24 months)

* you may qualify for a grant to reimburse some program fees – check with your local government

For Alberta residents see: Canada-Alberta Job Grant



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Focusing on Your Success

Focusing on your Success PDF

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• Navigate life challenges
• Create what you deserve and desire
• Make significant, positive changes
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