Belief Re-patterning

The Proven, Guaranteed System of Creating Immediate Transformation

  • Are you tired of beating yourself up for not living what you know to be true?
  • Ready to reset old thought patterns?
  • Ready to light your passions and let them fuel your dreams and desires?

Belief Re-patterning® works.

  • Train your subconscious mind to go to the positive… automatically!

Creating a kinder and more positive world begins with each of us making a decision to consciously create a better life for ourselves, and a better world.

The How-To Go-To

For Positive Self-Talk

We are proud to be recognized as the “how to go to” for positive self-talk (as Dr. Bruce Lipton dubbed Suze!), and are unique in the Personal Development industry in that we eliminate many of the problems that kind, aware and insightful individuals such as yourself typically encounter when trying to create effective, real and visible change in their lives.

Developer and Founder

Internationally recognized Thought Leader, Suze Casey’s high impact work alters the way we use our minds.

Western Canada’s only Hay House author.

Our Mission & Vision

Awaken and unleash your personal power, creating a more satisfying life and fulfilling new possibilities.


Our Vision

Everyone’s best self emerges
so they live the life they aspire to live,
and make the positive contribution
they were born to make.

Our Mission

Flipping the switch on self-talk.
Turning challenges into stepping stones.
Transforming negative events into positive learning experiences.
Supporting others in achieving their dreams and desires.
Together, we create a kinder, more positive world.

The “What-If’s”

A Taste of Belief Re-Patterning

The single most important factor in determining the quality of your life – your health, your relationships, your success in any area – is your self-talk.

Trying to “just think positive” works, for a short time…and then the old habits and thoughts hijack your best intentions.

Training your subconscious mind to go to the positive as its habit works for a lifetime… then your new habits create your dreams and desires.


What If . . .

What if you could get out of the “spin-cycle” once and for all?


What If . . .

What if you could easily navigate whatever life brings your way?

What If . . .

What if there was an Autopilot Option for positive thinking?

Supporting You

Create a strong and positive personal foundation enabling you to show up as your best self. Accomplish your Goals.


Stay solid when life tries to knock you down
Navigate through life’s unexpected challenges
Understand that everything can work in your favour
Reclaim your emotional charge card, no longer getting your buttons pushed by others
Feel on purpose and create the life you desire

Core Values of the Belief Re-patterning Community

Meet like-minded individuals, committed to making a positive impact in their relationships, their work and their community

We know as we each become lighter, the world becomes brighter, and we operate with our Core Values.

When each of us contributes the best energy we can to our world, we help raise the energy of the planet as a whole. It takes very little light to dispel darkness. Lighten yourself, and you lighten the world. It truly is something we each can contribute.



Creating and acting from alignment: Body, Mind and Soul


Commitment to BE-ing Best Self

In order to contribute the positive impact we are each born to make


Positive Self-Talk

Claiming personal value, uniqueness and worth



Loving understanding for ourselves first and then extending that to others


Community and Connection

A place to learn that is inclusive, respectful, and supportive


BE-ing Present to What Is

We begin now, and create forward from here


Open to Possibility

We begin now, and create forward from here

Connect with us

and start your journey

8 + 12 =

We are here to support you to…
• Navigate life challenges
• Create what you deserve and desire
• Make significant, positive changes
Let us know how you would like our support... Contact us today!

Suze's Musings

Insights for your Inner Coach


As a member of our online community you will receive timely reflections and invitations to our upcoming events!

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