Belief Specialist
Jacqueline Louie
Belief Re-patterning helps people speak – to others, and most especially to themselves – in a kind, gentle, wise and loving way. I love how nonjudgmental and empathetic this wonderful system is. Belief Re-patterning links mind, body and spirit, helping people be more aware of what’s really going on inside themselves, and to move and act as a unified whole (person).
As a professional writer and copy editor, with a degree in languages and a background in journalism, I know that words are powerful. Belief Re-patterning helps people use and choose their words as consciously and effectively as possible. I am delighted to be a Belief Specialist, available to help people learn how to use language to encourage, strengthen and empower themselves and others.
Belief Re-patterning helps people acknowledge and work with all aspects of themselves: including the judgmental part of the mind (what Belief Re-patterning founder and author Suze Casey calls the ‘Inner Critic’ – as well as the empathetic, wise ‘Inner Coach’ that is in each one of us). When we can each be our own wise counsel, it strengthens us – and everyone around us too.
I learned about Suze Casey and Belief Re-patterning several years ago, when holistic healer and Certified BodyTalk practitioner Alisen Dopf gave me Suze’s book, Belief Re-patterning: The Amazing Technique for “Flipping the Switch” to Positive Thoughts. Alisen also invited me to attend a presentation by Suze to a group of holistic health practitioners in Calgary.
Please get in touch if you’d like to connect with me. I would be honored to work with you, to help support you in moving forward with more clarity and greater ease. Belief Re-patterning is an amazing tool and way of being – helping people be, more consistently, who they truly are.
‘That session was amazing! It was the icing on today’s cake.
It supported what I really needed to work on, on a soul level.
Jacqueline has helped me release my emotional baggage. I have felt super supported …. I have definitely noticed huge shifts and gains in moving forward with confidence in my business. I feel the value in what she is doing.’
– Tammy Prince, Certified Emotion Code Practitioner and Belief Re-patterning Specialist
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• Navigate life challenges
• Create what you deserve and desire
• Make significant, positive changes
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