Belief Specialist
Tessa Moulyn
Are you dealing with childhood trauma that seems to have a hold on you?
Are you at a stage in life where you are supporting older parents and/or adult children who are returning home?
Have the past few years been difficult to navigate with calm and positivity?
Have you ever dealt with physical trauma or acute pain?
My life has taken lots of twists and turns that led me to live in fear, guilt and anger. Yay! Because all that ‘ick’ pushed me to learn and seek answers. In my twenties, I got to experience a life threatening car accident that changed my world. I needed to find a way out of pain, loss of self and powerlessness. I learned and used many therapies and modalities that helped me to gain deeper levels of healing and understanding and still there was “ick”. I finally found Belief Re-patterning. It offers you a choice to take a path out of old habits of thought and ways of being and responding. I can work on the deeper stuff and still have positive, forward movement in life. I get to choose how I bring myself to the world. That’s a new, lighter and kinder way of being for me!
These past few years have been very unsettling, uncertain and divisive as we have all tried our best to navigate this new shifting environment. In my own situation, I have two adult children who have returned home unsure of their next steps. I have an older mother who is navigating widowhood and feeling isolated and stuck and having family in other countries who she may or may not be able to see again. I myself am looking at entering what was intended to be “retirement” phase whatever that means now. And yet… the more I use Belief Re-patterning, the more and more I am able to approach all this with a positive and open attitude from a calm and grounded place. I am having respectful and collaborative dialogue that is kind, accepting and uplifting for everyone concerned.
Belief Re-patterning has given me the skills to choose to bring a positive attitude, to put myself first and then to be able to have enough left over to support others. I know that our superpower is our ability to choose to approach life from the upside. When we come with a positive and grounded inner place, supportive community builds around us and we empower and encourage each other. I am honoured to support and hold that space for you too. Develop the skills and can choose a different way of being peaceful and powerful and authentic.
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We are here to support you to…
• Navigate life challenges
• Create what you deserve and desire
• Make significant, positive changes
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