
Melissa Glowinski

If you are a passionate athlete, an artist with a message, or a professional with a mission, I’d love to connect with you!

I am an ambitious athlete myself that has compassion and understanding for what it’s like to perform skills at a high level. My soul’s purpose is to help people perform, compete, and WIN with integrity, joy, and confidence. I’ve become an expert at holding space for a person’s highest and most fulfilled excellence, in any discipline, at any level. I have a diverse background in music, sport, and craftsmanship, which allows me to be more precise in the use of Belief Re-patterning to empower my clients. If I sound like a fit for you, I invite you to join my quality team of individuals who are committed to high-performance.

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• Navigate life challenges
• Create what you deserve and desire
• Make significant, positive changes
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