January – What are You Creating for 2024 and December Reflections

And all of a sudden it is the second week of January of 2024. Happy New Year. 

 We parents are leading our families into another year. Join us to envision a year of success that fits for you and your family. What we create in our physical world must first be dreamed in our energetic world.

If we only focus on the DO and the HAVE, we have missed a part. We invite you to join us in imagining how you want to BE and how you want to feel and create from there. 

My December Reflections

Instead of sending Christmas cards this year, I decided to call up people who you supported me and shone the light for me as I walked by. In sharing my gratitude, I upped my vibe and my people felt appreciation. It was priceless gifts all around and it felt uplifting. 

I had an amazing opportunity to spend some time with my friend Diana. I dipped candles with her and participated in her practice of the 12 holy nights and I am in awe. The candles in the tree with fresh roses and carnations were a delight to my eyes. To sit in the quiet darkness and enjoy the presence of the tree and candles was so calming in the stillness of it all. I am so grateful for this experience and learning about the 12 holy nights. 

With Grace and Gentle Ease

Leanne HR

Step Into Your Best Self – Coaching with Leanne

[email protected]

Suze's Musings

Insights for your Inner Coach


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