Eyes forward and trust your feet!

I love folk festivals! Warm summer days bringing together terrific music with uplifting messages, the chance to reconnect with old friends and make new – folk festivals are a happy place.  Last weekend I thoroughly enjoyed the Bear Creek Folk Festival in Grande...

Tranquility and Flow – in all areas of your life

There is nothing as soothing to my ear than the sound of water flowing, and I am so grateful to the original owner of our home who installed this beautiful backyard stream! I’m spending a lot of time out here, thinking about flow and tranquility. I am enjoying the...

Unexpected expenses will always happen

Unexpected expenses, cause stress and that stress is not good for you. I know that many people think they should have an emergency fund, but have you ever really put it together? That’s where I was about 20 years ago until I re-patterned and decided to create a...

Is Your Money Story Working For You?

Money. We all have stories around it. Some of those stories support us, and some do not. Anxiety, shame, confusion – all real feelings – are wrapped into the stories we tell ourselves. The feelings are real. I used to feel physically ill when I had to do taxes with my...

Give Yourself the Gift of Wonder

Travel is not simple these days, but it is worth it! We wondered if we could do it – staying healthy, focused and relaxed – and we have! Seeing family and friends after 3.5 years has been golden, and worth all the hoops, paperwork, tests and lineups....

Suze's Musings

Insights for your Inner Coach


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