Open or Closed?

It is normal. We experience something, we “make up our minds” about it, and then hold that perception as “truth”. In April I made my first visit to St. John’s Newfoundland. A 20 minute drive is Cape Speare- the most easterly point of North America. Something about...

Living on Auto-pilot

I recently had a dream that I was driving a car from the back seat. No – I wasn’t back seat driving in the usual sense. There was no one else in the car. Odd in the usual way of dreams. How can I drive from the back seat? I can’t see very well. Can’t control the...

Moments That Matter…

Reflections From Shelley Wright, Practitioner I read this statement today in a news article — “to take a dangerous deviant behavior and normalize it by spreading it on social media” and my mind went wow!! Connection!!And within the moment of awareness of connection I...

Things can change with the Flip of a Switch

10 years ago today I got up and decided that it was time to remove my profile from the computer dating service I had been on for several months. I’d met some very nice men, no one in particular and I just knew it was time to be off-line. I sat down at my...

The Truth Is…

These common phrases are responsible for you feeling stuck. That’s just the way it is… In fact… ALWAYS NEVER In REALITY… In my experience… PATTERN INTERRUPT: “Up until now” Our minds create our facts based on our experiences to date, and yet change is constant. Our...

Suze's Musings

Insights for your Inner Coach


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