It is normal. We experience something, we “make up our minds” about it, and then hold that perception as “truth”.

In April I made my first visit to St. John’s Newfoundland. A 20 minute drive is Cape Speare- the most easterly point of North America. Something about being on the edge of the continent captured my imagination. I waited and waited for the weather to clear so I could go and “see” Cape Speare. After 10 days of fog, rain and wind, frustrated because I knew I wouldn’t be able to “see” anything, I went anyway. It was an incredible experience – I really felt the power and energy of the “sea” through my body. Deeply moving, the crashing waves pounding the rocks, the howling wind so strong it could blow you over the edge if you didn’t hang into the rail – an amazing experience which I nearly missed because I “thought” it wouldn’t be worth going to in stormy weather.

When have you made up your mind about something?

When have your perceptions created a decision that kept you from amazing experiences?

What if you decided to keep an open mind? 

What if you chose to experience what is in the present moment?

Your mind can be closed and made up or you can be open to possibilities. 

Sometimes the stormy times bring the best experiences.

Back to another conference in NL this week, I was thrilled to see a clear and sunny  forecast! I would finally see Cape Speare in the sunshine!

Today I did. Gorgeous – but not better than the storm. Just different. 

And I am human so next visit I will probably wait for the stormiest day to head to the Cape.

Yup – we all have perceptions and perspectives – and the more open I keep my mind, the more varied my experiences – and the more informed I am when I “make up my mind”.



Suze's Musings

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