Are you seeing the dreary monotony in the eyes of many – and perhaps mirrored in your own?
Are you hearing from friends, family, and the people you encounter day to day…
“I’m bored.” “I’m tired.” “I’m disinterested in everything.”
And you are recognizing the same lifeless “air out of your tires” feeling?
The exclamation points of living are Missing In Action for a LOT of people.
AND there is good news!
The uncertainty, the change from the way things “always were” have stolen the !!! from many – GOOD NEWS…
This is a perfectly normal result of what we have collectively experienced over the past 3+ years.
MORE good news…
It isn’t who you really are. It is what you, or those you encounter are now experiencing, and every experience is an opportunity to become more empowered or more victimized.
AND the BEST news…YOU are the one who gets to decide whether any given set of circumstances will take you down or raise you up.
It is time to get your excitement back, claim your mojo, find the joy.
It is YOUR !!!
I forgive myself for believing this funk defines me.
I give myself permission to experience my !!! again
I choose to experience my !!! – even if I am not sure where it went. It actually doesn’t matter where it went, I choose to create new !!!
Today I will create !!! when I intentionally smile at the first person I see.
I can also create !!! when I look out my window and breathe in the view.
I remember feeling really !!! when I (think about a great experience from your past and be specific)
It is my !!! and I am creating it – no circumstance can steal it and hide it from me.
I appreciate my commitment to reclaiming my !!!
I do it in easy ways and build up my !!!
You’ve got this! As we each consciously create more !!!, the blah brightens, the flat lifts and we begin anew. The MIA becomes found, your spirit lifts.
I’d love to hear how you are finding your !!! today. I’m headed out to enjoy the sunshine. Join me in your mind and I’ll send you some backyard !!!