Why Is It So Hard?

You know you “should” think positively – and it seems impossible when circumstances pile up, people around you are dumping in your direction or life in general knocks you over. It seems impossible, because it is – unless you have trained yourself. Humans are wired to...

Yes. It is a really long flight!

Twenty-four hours from airport to airport – Calgary, Canada to Sydney, Australia. I love it – not just the arriving, but the journey itself. A short and familiar hop across the Rockies to Vancouver with 4 hour connection could be irritating, and I watched many...
My BIG 3

My BIG 3

Friday – end of last week and I had created a To Do list longer than superwoman could accomplish with all of her super pals pitching in…I was feeling weighed down… and then the phone rang – friends inviting me to Globalfest – a...

Breathe it in.

Calm. Quiet. Peace. Daily living doesn’t have to be hard or a struggle. You’ve been easily letting in chaos, noise and dissent. Switch it up. It is as easy as making a decision. After a 3 day lovely unplugged mini holiday at the beach, I arrived at the Comox Airport...

Clouds and Rain… Not Always a Bad Thing

In Alberta this year we experienced more hot sunny dry days in May than usual. It was terrific for backyard BBQs and getting together on decks and patios to socialize, and we made the most of it. BUT – seeds didn’t germinate in the fields because it was too hot and...

Suze's Musings

Insights for your Inner Coach


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