I remember a flight a number of years ago when I was seated in the very last row. The seat didn’t recline, the smell was less than stellar and people were continually bumping into me as they made their way to the bathroom within arm’s reach of me. That day I was annoyed. Perturbed. Frustrated.
Today I find myself in the same seat. The circumstances are the same, but my perception is different. Today I am grateful. Peaceful. Free.
Grateful to my dear friend who gave me a standby ticket. Grateful I got the last seat on today’s flight. Grateful for air conditioning and the adorable sundresses in my carry-on as I head to Phoenix (a cool 36C at 9am, on its way to a high of 45C today). Grateful to join my family as we surprise my eldest brother on his 70th birthday (I won’t be posting this until after the reveal!) Grateful for a happy family occasion (the last two times the 5 of us were together was for my parents’ funerals within 6 months of each other, 3 years ago).
Grateful for Phil’s understanding and encouragement as he gently reminded me of my own medicine this morning.
Ever so grateful to myself for my willingness to embrace my personal growth that has given me the gift of my blissful freedom to just BE.
Grateful to be mindful and experience fully these pivotal life moments.
Grateful for my supportive perspective.
Grateful to be completely at peace.
I forgive myself for believing that outside people, circumstances or situations need to annoy me.
I give myself permission to be who I really am, regardless of the circumstances.
I can let other people or situations (or the weather!) control my life, or I can BE solidly who I really am. I choose to rise utilize all outer influences to Become more of who I really am.
I am free to BE my best self today when I…
I know how empowering it is to rise above challenges, it happened when I …
I am solidly my best self.
I am so grateful for my ability to use whatever happens to be more of who I really am.
Yup, there is still an interesting odor that occasionally wafts over the aisle to seat 24E. Some of the other passengers have a “sorry for you” expression when they catch my eye while they wait in line for the toilet. The flight attendant offers me extra pretzels because I’m “wedged in there so tight”. I’m enjoying a cup of peppermint tea. My back will really appreciate the stretch out in the pool this afternoon.
And I have tears of gratitude for BEing in seat 24E today.
May your day bring you the peace and freedom of BEing an even better version of your best self than you were yesterday.

Suze's Musings

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