We cross the threshold of midnight wide-eyed and excited about the possibilities and often, within a few days, all of our excited resolution for change seems to evaporate.
Could it be that we are simply putting too much onto the day, that although marks the end of one year and the beginning of the next, is really only a moment in time?
This year let’s try something new!
New Year’s Resolutions…you make ’em, you break ’em, you beat yourself up, and yet every January 1st you repeat the process…this year BE supportive of yourself instead.
Set the Intention of how you want to BE. Given that 2020 Vision is perfect sight, my Intention this year is Mindful Clarity. Wherever, whenever, whatever happens, it is my Intention to practice Mindful Clarity. And, to support you in manifesting amazing growth in 2020, I’m launching the on-line Creating 2020 Vision program. Twenty minutes once a month a group intention setting and re-patterning call, recorded for your convenience. In addition, I’ll be sending Quick practices that will take 2-3 minutes/day to support your intention. I’ll open up the mystery to manifesting – in a practical, pragmatic and fun way. On your time, wherever, whenever, and however you want to incorporate the practices.
I’d love to have you join us.Your investment is $20.20/month – or register for the whole year, all 12 months, for $202.00. Intention. Commitment to yourself. On-going support, group energy and belief. Together we will create an incredible 2020 Vision!
I forgive myself for believing I have to set Resolutions.
I give myself permission to set Intentions for myself for this year.
I can beat myself up over broken resolutions, or I can support myself with setting intentions.I choose to BE intentional this year, and set the vision for how I want to BE.
I am free to be intentional today when I… (something you can bring mindful intention to!)
I remember how intentional I was when I… (reinforce with an example of positive intention from your past – something that worked well for you!)
This year I am exploring BEcoming more intentional and that feels doable!
I am grateful to myself for setting positive intentions!
What’s your INTENTION? How do you want to BE? Here’s to creating amazing intentions for 2020, and believing in possibilities!