Twenty-four hours from airport to airport – Calgary, Canada to Sydney, Australia.

I love it – not just the arriving, but the journey itself.

A short and familiar hop across the Rockies to Vancouver with 4 hour connection could be irritating, and I watched many passengers pacing, checking and rechecking the Departure Board. We set our timer and then wandered the terminal – appreciating the stunning native art, the lovely seafood restaurant and a quiet gate where we could stretch out.

And then it is time! Others call it the “long haul” across the Pacific, I refer to it as leaping the equator and the International Time Zone in a state of near suspended animation, away from distractions and demands.

Others find it boring and monotonous – I welcome the opportunity to just be.

The daily expectations and “should, must, have tos” melt away to respecting others and delighting in the self-indulgence of reading, listening to music, watching a movie, sleeping, napping and quiet contemplation – the only requirement being all from the seatbelt of 20A. It becomes my sanctuary, there are few interruptions and I already know my answers to beef or chicken, cold or hot breakfast, and red or white.

I read a wonderful novel cover to cover, slept for more than 9 of the 16.5 hours and played Suduko and Crib to my heart’s desire.

forgive myself for believing I need to focus on the constraints of what I can’t do.

I give myself permission to be present to what supports me.

I can be irritated by constraints and dragged down by demands or I can be nurtured by what is supportive. I choose.

I am free to be present to what supports me and focus my attention there.

know how to live this way – I practiced it on the flight here.

am BEcoming more present to what supports me in my life

I am grateful for my conscious perspective – it creates more ease and enjoyment daily.

You may wonder… “What about the jet-lag?”

I keep expectations and demands at bay, sleep when I am tired, eat when I am hungry and make sure to move my body.

The trip and the jet-lag are real. So is my decision of how to perceive what is.

It is a great way to live.



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