
The Truth Is…

These common phrases are responsible for you feeling stuck. That’s just the way it is… In fact… ALWAYS NEVER In REALITY… In my experience… PATTERN INTERRUPT: “Up until now” Our minds create our facts based on our experiences to date, and yet change is constant. Our...

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I feel Like I’ve Been Holding My Breath

I woke to those words a couple of nights ago. They have been rattling around in my head ever since. Then today I saw a post that said “It’s the 4 year anniversary of the 2 week lockdown”, and I understood – the isolation, the masks, the distancing started 4 years ago....

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This is as good as it gets!

Have you ever thought “This is as good as it gets”? For the last couple of months I’ve been enjoying fresh mangos – daily. I thought it was as good as it got…until I saw a basket of these beauties at the market, and had real life proof of “Something EVEN Better!” A...

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Living on Auto-pilot

I recently had a dream that I was driving a car from the back seat. No - I wasn’t back seat driving in the usual sense. There was no one else in the car. Odd in the usual way of dreams. How can I drive from the back seat? I can’t see very well. Can’t control the...

Moments That Matter…

Reflections From Shelley Wright, Practitioner I read this statement today in a news article — “to take a dangerous deviant behavior and normalize it by spreading it on social media” and my mind went wow!! Connection!!And within the moment of awareness of connection I...

Things can change with the Flip of a Switch

10 years ago today I got up and decided that it was time to remove my profile from the computer dating service I had been on for several months. I'd met some very nice men, no one in particular and I just knew it was time to be off-line. I sat down at my computer and...

The Truth Is…

These common phrases are responsible for you feeling stuck. That’s just the way it is… In fact… ALWAYS NEVER In REALITY… In my experience… PATTERN INTERRUPT: “Up until now” Our minds create our facts based on our experiences to date, and yet change is constant. Our...

I feel Like I’ve Been Holding My Breath

I woke to those words a couple of nights ago. They have been rattling around in my head ever since. Then today I saw a post that said “It’s the 4 year anniversary of the 2 week lockdown”, and I understood – the isolation, the masks, the distancing started 4 years ago....

This is as good as it gets!

Have you ever thought “This is as good as it gets”? For the last couple of months I’ve been enjoying fresh mangos – daily. I thought it was as good as it got…until I saw a basket of these beauties at the market, and had real life proof of “Something EVEN Better!” A...

Root Cause

Have you ever thought… “I’ve just got to get to the root of this problem.” Actually, you don’t. It does feel like if you could just get to the bottom of things, you could sort it all out, but if that worked, most everything would have been solved ages ago. Digging...

It isn’t Always What it Seems

Canadian Thanksgiving weekend – there’s a coolness in the air, the leaves are turning yellow, meals inside as the warmth of summer fades into memory. But not this year – there is a different perspective. For those in Alberta, a late season heat wave has summer...

Why Is It So Hard?

You know you “should” think positively – and it seems impossible when circumstances pile up, people around you are dumping in your direction or life in general knocks you over. It seems impossible, because it is – unless you have trained yourself. Humans are wired to...

Yes. It is a really long flight!

Twenty-four hours from airport to airport - Calgary, Canada to Sydney, Australia. I love it – not just the arriving, but the journey itself. A short and familiar hop across the Rockies to Vancouver with 4 hour connection could be irritating, and I watched many...

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