Are Your !!! MIA?

Blah. Flat. Done. Are you seeing the dreary monotony in the eyes of many – and perhaps mirrored in your own? Are you hearing from friends, family, and the people you encounter day to day… “I’m bored.” “I’m  tired.” “I’m disinterested in everything.” And you are...

There is a LOT of a LOT going on right now!

Overwhelm. Exhaustion. Spinning. Hamster Wheel. These are the most common feelings I am hearing from my clients and witnessing in my day to day encounters. The world has sped up – and our pre-2020 ability to juggle and manage has been depleted. The overwhelm is real....

Wishing you could just “disappear” something?

You know. The things you just don’t want to deal with. The things that are robbing you of your creativity and joy. Challenges. Disagreements. Debt. Sickness. All of these are realities of life, and the idea of “just disappearing” them is not what Belief Re-patterning...

Something to warm you Solstice 2022

It is a bitterly cold day. Thermometer at -34C when I woke up. It “warmed up” to -30C by 10:30, and the wind chill factor is now -38C… a full six degrees warmer than the -44C it was when I opened my eyes. The sun sets this afternoon at 4:29pm, and rises tomorrow at...

The Power of Kindness

It usually doesn’t cost much, and yet it is always priceless. It is always a possibility, and it expands exponentially. It feels good to give and to receive. A simple act of kindness ripples out, like a pebble dropped into water. I was wondering what message to write...

Suze's Musings

Insights for your Inner Coach


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